Africa has significant mineral potential, but despite significant investments in the extractive industry, Africa remains a poor continent. In this context and given the value of the mining sector, women remain the least involved, deriving minimal economic benefit from the sector but suffering the adverse effects (environmental degradation, violence, displacement, health and safety).
The African Mining Vision which aims for “Transparent, equitable and optimal exploitation of mineral resources to underpin broad-based sustainable growth and socio-economic development” was adopted by Heads of State in 2009. In order for the Vision to be a reality, it needs the involvement of all, especially women. For this purpose, AWIMA was created as network of women in mining, oil and gas associations that is empowering all women in the African extractive sector.
Our Vision
& Mission
Vision: A strong, responsible and more inclusive African mining industry for women
Mission: Promote leadership, inclusive and sustainable empowerment of women in the mining sector in Africa.
Our Objectives
- To work with national governments in the implementation of the Africa Mining Vision for the benefit of women in Africa
- To advocate for and support women’s interests in the exploration and extraction of mineral wealth, including oil and gas and other natural resources
- To develop capacity building tools and programmes that attract, retain, and promote the advancement of women in the extractive industries
- To collaborate with sub-regional and national women in mining associations to share knowledge and best practices
- To promote the inclusion of women in the mining and minerals sector at the highest political and policy levels
- To encourage and promote the formalization of women in mining groups
- To conduct a comprehensive needs assessment on the challenges affecting women in mining, and implement programs to address these challenges
- To identify training and technical needs of women in mining and in collaboration with relevant and interested organisations, conduct training programmes to meet these needs
- To collaborate with relevant and interested organisations to train women who are involved in the informal mining sector in appropriate mining methods and mitigation of environmental degradation
- To safeguard women from vulnerability and promote economic and social resilience
- To promote access to finance and establish collaborations with financial institutions to enable women in mining to access the necessary finance and credit for their mining operations
- To establish a database and a resource centre that will serve as a reference on mining continentally and internationally for women in mining
- To establish links with continental and international technical advisory service organisations in order to access volunteer technical experts
- To facilitate where possible, the marketing of members’ mining products continentally and internationally
- To carry out such activities that will enhance the position of women in mining in Africa
- To lobby for access to land and mineral rights
- To encourage governments to strengthen and institutionalize the country level associations through establishing partnerships and collaboration
- To promote responsible mining and eliminate child labour and violence against women